
Keep Your Vehicle Up and Running With A Tune-Up

Engine tune-ups vary from vehicle to vehicle, but in general, they include inspections and services that make sure your engine runs smoother, newer, longer. 


For the engine to properly power your vehicle, hundreds of complex parts must operate together. Over time, these components can wear out. Engine tune-ups get ahead of this wear and tear before it becomes a big problem. While technology has helped to change the engine "tune-up", the typical engine works the same as ever. It still involves clean gas and air driving to cylinders, and a spark plug igniting combustion for the power to move your vehicle. 


Clogged fuel injectors, dirty air, fuel filters, and corroded spark plugs all harm engine performance and create problems. That's why we always examine your vehicle's air filter and suggest you follow the manufacturer's recommendations for replacing key components. How often you get your car tuned up will vary depending on the vehicle mileage, age, and manufacturer recommendations.


Is It Time For A Car Tune-Up?

It might be time for a tune-up if you notice any of the following:

  • Decreased Gas Mileage
  • Noticeable Power Loss
  • "Rough" Engine Running or Stalling When Stopping
  • Engine "Knocking" During Acceleration
  • Engine "Knocking" After You Turn Off the Ignition
  • The "Check Engine" or "Service Engine" Light Is on

Performing a standard tune-up or spark plug replacement at the suggested maintenance interval will make your engine easier to start, improve fuel economy, lower emissions, and restore lost power.


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